This paper reports the development of Computional Geometry(CG) methods for assessing roundness and demonstrates that the Minimum Radial Seperation(MRS)center compared to other centers is the best one to determine roundness.These methods are sorted in two categories according to the represention of meatured contour. One mthod use sampling points from the contour.Such results the difference in detemining the inscribed circle of the concentric circles. This article summaries these methods,analyses and compares their applicability,precision,and efficiency,and proposes existing problem on them.
This paper reports the development of Computional Geometry(CG) methods for assessing roundness and demonstrates that the Minimum Radial Seperation(MRS)center compared to other centers is the best one to determine roundness.These methods are sorted in two categories according to the represention of meatured contour. One mthod use sampling points from the contour.Such results the difference in detemining the inscribed circle of the concentric circles. This article summaries these methods,analyses and compares their applicability,precision,and efficiency,and proposes existing problem on them.
Journal of Engineering Graphics