汉语方言学的研究结果显示 ,在今天的汉语各南方方言分支中 ,赣方言与客家方言的关系最为接近。这一事实表明 :客家方言群与赣方言群在历史上曾有着密切的关联。本文从区域开发史和移民史的角度 ,分析客家方言群的起源 ,认为客家方言群的直接源头应该是来自唐宋时期的江西境内移民。
Hakka dialect is similar to Gan(Jianxi) dialect in many ways.This fact means there are some relations between Hakka dialectal groups and Gan dialectal groups.This paper will discuss the origin of Hakka dialectal groups from the point of view of regional development and immigrant history in southern Jiangxi,Southern west Fujian and Northern east Guangdong.The conclusion is that Hakkas origin from the migration of Jiangxi.
Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
教育部"十五"规划项目"赣闽粤边 :一个方言群的历史与神话"之阶段性成果之一 项目批准号 :0IJA 770 0 2 2。