认为生态学是露天煤矿土地复垦的理论依据 ,按照生态演替原理 ,把露天煤矿排土场的土地复垦工程分为水土保持、生态效益和经济效益 3个阶段 ,并以黑岱沟露天煤矿排土场土地复垦工程为实例 ,阐述了生态演替原理在露天煤矿土地复垦中的应用方法。
Regarding the ecology the theoretical basic for the land reclaimation of open coal mines,according to the ecological succession principle,we divided the land reclaimationg project in the refuse dump of open coal mines into such three stages as the conservation of land ad water,ecological results,and economical results,and tooking the land reclaimation in the refuse dump of Hei Daigou open coal mines as the practical example,this article explained the application of the ecological succession principle on the land reclaimation in the open coal mines
Opencast Coal Mining Technology