技术支撑是 DL 建设的关键 ,但我国 DL 技术与美、英、德相比还有一定的差距 ,不能适应 DL 建设的需要。在 DL 建设的某些方面还沿袭了传统图书馆各自为政的板块机制 ,为以后的统一平台设置了技术障碍。 TADL 是世界潮流 ,是建成合格数字图书馆的有力保障。 TADL 风险具有主客观交互性、不确定性、不利性和相对性等特点 ,其产生的主要原因是由合作伙伴选择不当 ,没有充分准备风险、没有完备的联盟方案 ,不同的图书馆文化或企业文化影响等。TADL 风险多种多样 ,处理不好会使联盟解体 ,给 DL 建设造成困难。图书馆要广泛培育联盟基础 ,弘扬联盟文化 ,依法规范技术联盟 ,提高抗风险能力。
The technology is the key of DL,But the DL technology in our country is backward compared to the western country,which limits the development of the DL technology.At the same time,it constricts and limits the DL technology because they inherited the traditional models of library,and changed into a technology barrier.TADL is international trend,it is prerequisite for qualified DL technology.The chracteristics of TADL risks are mutually exchange,relativism and so on.The main reasons of TADL are the wrong choose of components,negligence of risks,no team plans and culture of library or enterprises.There are many varieties of TADL risks.Libraries should extensive,culture the basis team components develop union culture,manage TADL Technology.According to law and rules,and rasise the abilities to resist the risks.
Information Science