目的 观察腰椎椎板减压、椎管后外侧植骨融合、使用椎弓根内固定器治疗腰椎退行性狭窄及不稳的临床价值。方法 从 1997年 4月~ 2 0 0 2年 4月 ,对 4 4例实施椎板减压同时作小关节突及横突间植骨、椎弓根螺钉系统固定。腰椎间盘突出症17例 ,腰椎管腔狭窄症 12例 ,退行性脊椎滑脱 10例 ,腰椎不稳症 3例 ,下腰椎二次手术 2例。结果 术后平均随访 2 3个月(3~ 6 2个月 ) ,共植入 2 0 0枚螺钉 ,螺钉断裂 1枚松动 2枚 ,无神经损伤及螺钉安置不当需二次手术的病例 ,未发现假关节及骨不愈合 ,临床优良率 97 7%。结论 使用椎弓根内固定器及椎管后外侧植骨手术创伤小、并发症少 ,国产钛合金RF ,DRFS具有价格低廉。
Objective To evaluate the value of pedicle screw systems with posterior decompression and posterolateral fusion in treatment of low lumbar vertebrae degeneration Methods Forty-four patients were treated with posterior decompression and pedicle screw systems and posterolateral fusion The protrusion of the intravertebral disc was in 17 cases,stenosis in 12,spondylolisthesis in 10 and lumbar unstable in 3,secondary operation in 2 Results They were followed up 23 months(range 3~62 months)after operation Pedicle screw breakage and looseing found in 3 out of 200 screws,there were no nervus injury,no bone union and 97 7% of the patients obtained successful clinical outcome Conclusion Application of the pedicle screw systems and posterolateral fusion to treat the lumbar vertebrae degeneration may achieve a satisfactory effect,meanwhile,the operation could perform safely and with minimal wound,complications,are little and the cost of instruments are inexpensive
The Journal of Bone and Joint Injury