虽然要对教育制度下一个准确的、为各方所认可的定义十分困难 ,但我们认为 ,一个完整准确的教育制度定义 ,至少应当包含以下几个基本的方面 :即 ,教育制度是教育活动的规则 ;教育制度是“社会的”制度 ;教育制度具有程度不同的权威性或强制性。在此基础上 ,我们可以将“教育制度”概念大致地界定为
It is very difficult to define the educational institution accurately.We suppose that an educational institution should include the following basic aspects at least.First of all,educational institution is a set of rules of educational activity;educational institution is“social”institution;educational institution has some extent authority and is compulsory.Based on these ideas,we can define the educational institution like this:educational institution is authority or compulsory system of activity rules adjusting the relation between personal activists or between inner activists of educational organization.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)