在深入、广泛调查的基础上 ,认为影响我国城镇居民体育需求的主要因素主要有以下四方面 :我国城镇居民体育需求的动机、居民对大众体育的认知、居民的相关群体 ,文化。并对四方面的因素进行了系统地研究和探讨 ,提出了相应的发展对策 ,研究结果对倡导正确的大众体育消费观念 ,形成健康、文明的大众体育消费心理 ,促进我国大众体育需求的发展都具有一定的现实意义。
The passage, on the basis of deep and extensive inquiries, concludes that the main factors of the influences on the demands of China city and township inhabitants have four aspects: the physical demand motivation of China city and township inhabitants, the inhabitants comprehension on sports-for-all, the inhabitants correlation groups and culture, furthermore systematically researching and inquiring into the four factors The research conclusion is of some functional significances to advocate the real consume concepts of sports-for-all, establish the health and civilization consume psychology of sports-for-all and promote the demand development of sports-for-all
Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
国家社科基金资助项目"社会主义初级阶段我国大众体育需求特征的研究"子课题之一 (98CTY0 0 2 )