损伤力学和新材料模型 (包括结构损伤 )引入到盐岩硐库的设计概念中 ,能够减少以前知识和计算模型的不足。在保持同样安全的情况下 ,新模型能为设计更经济的盐岩储存硐库建立科学基础。本文通过一个实际例子 ,对Asse盐矿 (德国 )的一个原形储存硐库进行了承载性能和最小容许内压的计算验证 ,并把使用Hou Lux模型和Lubby2模型的计算结果进行了对比。比较结果显示 ,新材料模型有许多优点 ,如 :通过减少内压 ,储存硐库的围岩应力重分布、扩容、损伤、软化及片帮区域等均得到改善。
The introduction of damage mechanics and a new material model including structural damages into design concepts for the construction of salt cavities reduces some deficits of previous knowledge and modeling. This seems to set out the scientific foundation for a more realistic and thus more economical cavity design while the same level of safety is kept.This paper introduces the major statements worked out by the authors about the further development of salt cavity dimensioning as well as its practical applications.As examples, the calculated load bearing behavior of the so called prototype cavity at the Asse mine and the minimum permissible internal cavern pressure for a storage cavern are examined, comparing the results of the Hou/Lux material model with those of the Lubby2 material model. The comparison shows the advantages of the Hou/Lux material model, such as stress rearrangements from the contour into the rock mass formation as well as the identification of dilatancy, damage, softening and spalling zones and last but not least increasing the profitability of storage cavities through reduction of the minimum pressure.
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering