通过反应条件指数的阐述和计算原理的推导 ,及甘肃北山公婆泉盆地水文地质条件与该区水源点反应条件指数的研究 ,认为公婆泉盆地北骆驼泉区具有良好的砂岩型铀矿成矿环境 ,并初步圈定了有利于铀成矿的远景区。
On the basic of the explanation of reaction condition index, the deduction of reaction condition index calculation principle, the hydrogeological setting in Gongpoquan basin in Baishan, Gansu province and the study of reaction condition index of its water source point, the north Luotuoquan area in Gongpoquan basin seems to be a favourable place for sandstone type uranium deposit, and the prospect area for sandstone type uranium deposit is delimitated.
Journal of East China Geological Institute
中国核工业地质局地质调查项目 ( 2 0 0 0 0 9)