无艏支架纵向下水中 ,船舶呈弹性体。然而 ,在下水计算中将船体假定为刚性体 ,简化为弹性支点的简支梁 ,采用船规法定的弯曲许用应力来校核 ,可得出满意的结果 ,从而简化了计算手续。从 4 35 0 DWT多用途货船单一狭长货舱类型船舶的纵向下水强度计算实例也说明了这一点 ,是符合 GL 船规弯曲许用应力的。从船舶纵向强度而言 ,该船的下水是安全。
In longitudinal launching without bow support, the hull is an elastomer. But in launching calculation, the hull is assumed a rigid body and is simplified into a simple girder with elastic support. After checking with permissible bending stress from class rules, a satisfaction result has been reached. This has been demonstrated by the launching strength calculation of the 4 350 dwt. Multi purpose container ship with single narrow and long cargo hold, which is proved up to the required permissible bending stress of GL rules. So in terms of longitudinal strength, its launching is safe and reliable.
Ship & Boat