为给计算废弃物锅炉中的错列管束受热面的流动阻力提供参考 ,并就高水分烟气中水分浓度和几何结构的改变对流动阻力影响的一些机理进行了探讨 ,搭建一实验台 ,共做了 1 0 8种工况的实验。主要针对机理的探讨 ,实验工况主要针对Re较小层流流态。实验研究表明 :在相同主流速度、温度和几何结构条件下 ,高水分烟气的流动阻力小于空气 ,其原因在于烟气中水分浓度的增加改变了烟气的物理性质 ,增加了速度边界层的厚度和减小了烟气的动力粘度 ,进而减小了速度层流边界层的摩擦阻力。几何排列结构对流动阻力亦有影响 ,横向节距的减小将增大管束的流动阻力 。
In order to study the character of fluid resistance of the high moisture flue gas crossing staggered tube bundles, experiment of 108 different conditions has been done. Experiment shows that the fluid resistance of the high moisture flue gas is less than the air’s under the same conditions. This is because that the thickness of the velocity laminar layer of the high moisture flue gas is thicker than the air’s. The fluid resistance increases when the latitudinal pitch decreases or the longitudinal pitch is increased. The result of experiment can bring some reference for computing fluid resistance of the municipal solid wast (MSW) boiler.
Boiler Technology