90 0MW超临界直流锅炉与上海锅炉厂有限公司以往制造的锅炉产品相比 ,其省煤器、过热器、再热器及相应集箱的材料、结构和制造工艺除了尺寸较大之外无大的差异。此锅炉制造中最大的难点在于螺旋水冷壁 ,特别是其中过渡段的制造。介绍 90 0MW超临界直流锅炉制造工艺的一些特点 。
There isn’ t overmany differences in the materials, structure, and manufacturing procedure of economizers, superheaters, reheaters and headers between 900MW supercritical pressure monotube boiler and the former boilers made in our company, except the size is bigger. In production, the main difficulty is the manufacture of the evaporator spiral wall especially it’s transition section. The article introduces the manufacturing characteristics of 900MW supercritical pressure monotube boiler, especially the diffculties and the adopted steps for the difficulties in the production of the spiry waterwall’s transition section.
Boiler Technology