将高灵敏雾化技术用于火焰原子吸收光谱法,并测定了烟尘样品中的低含量铅,取得较满意的结果。当采样300L、样品溶液为25mL时,铅的检测限可达0 0012mg/m3,方法标准曲线线性范围为0mg/L~1 0mg/L,相对标准差小于4 5%,加标回收率在87%~97%之间,并具有简便快速等特点。
To determine the low concentration Pb with Flame AAS plus high sensitive nebulization. When sampling 300 mL, sample solution was 25 mL, the detection limit was 0001 2 mg/m3, the lineal limit of standard curve was 0 mg/L~1.0 mg/L, relative standard deviation was less 4.5%, sampling recovery rate was between 87% ~ 97%.
The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring