正弦规是利用正弦函数原理对精密角度进行间接测量或加工的一种常用的精密量具或工具 ,常用于测量内、外锥体的锥角及外锥体的大小端直径 ,也用于测量角度块的角度、孔中心线与平面之间的夹角 .正弦规实际上是通过测量长度来计算角度 ,结构简单 ,造价低廉 ,使用方便 .文章通过误差分析得出 :利用正弦规测量小角度能获得很高的精度 .
The sine bar is a practical precision measuring implement which can measure indirectly or a machining tool for the precision angle by the sine principle. It can be usually used in measuring the angle of the circular cone and the diameters of the outside cone ends. It also can be used in measuring the angle about the angular gauge block, and the angle between the bore center and the plane. The sine bar gets an angle by measuring a length. It is convenient because of a simple construction and a low price. By the error analysis, this text gave us a conclusion: we can get a fine accuracy by the sine bar when measuring a small angle.
Journal of Shandong Institute of Technology