本文对平贝母(Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim)根、鳞茎、叶等器官在 MS,N_6,B_5,WS 和 H5种基本培养基上的培养进行详细观察。通过球状体及不定芽的形态发生曲线及差异显著性测定表明,不同培养基与激素及不同激素浓度与组合,对平贝母器官发生的影响,筛选出诱导高频率球状体与不定芽发生的培养基 MS+1.0 ppmIBA+1.0 ppmZT,MS+0.5 ppmIAA+2.0ppmBA,MS+2.0ppm NAA+0.5 ppmKT。培养过程中球状体与不定芽的形态发生的组织细胞学观察结果表明,球状体发生经过鳞片原基阶段,而不定芽发生不经此阶段;球状体形成后发育成不定芽,但生长情况优于直接产生的不定芽。早期球状体的染色体数目为2n=24。
An experiment system of high frequency somatic embryogenesis has been built by cul-
turing the bulb segments of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim.The medium of induced callus is
MN+2.5 ppm 2,4—D+1.O ppm KT+5.0 ppm A+500.0 ppm CH,and the medium of induced
somatic embryos is N6+1.0ppm KT+5.0ppm A.The histocytological observation showed that
a somatic embryo was from a single embryonic cell.The somatic cmbryogenesis process in-
cludes all stages from proembryo,globular embryo,heart-shaped embryo,torpedo embryo
and cotyledonary embryo to mature embryo with shoot and root poles.Somatic embryos
originate from the surfaces of both embryonic callus and explant,as well as the inside of em-
bryonic callus.
Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim
somatic embryogenesis
histocytology analysis of variance