通过对电动车电池中相关稀有金属的净需量及这些金属的可利用量的比较,在几种备选电池中,受制约程度按以下顺序递增:Li ion(Mn)<Li ion(Ni)<MH/Ni(AB2)<MH/Ni(AB5)<Li ion(Co)。兼顾技术发展的阶段性及国家资源的特点,在近期,可及时推出技术上较为成熟的MH(AB2,AB5)/Ni及Li ion(Co)电池系列,推动电动车的快速走入市场,产生示范效应,而远期则应以Li ion(Mn)或Li ion(Mn Ni Co混合)系列的技术突破为重点,以满足对电动车数量上的需求,克服资源及价格制约的瓶颈。
The five kinds scarce metal elements(Li,Ni,Co,V and RE) that could become the resource constraint factor for MH/Ni or Liion battery to get largescale application in electric vehicle(EV) had been discussedThrough comparison between the scarce metal net requirement in the EV batteries and the scarce metal availability,the constrained level increased as follows:Liion(Mn)<Liion(Ni)<MH/Ni(AB2)<MH/Ni(AB5)<Liion(Co)The MH/Ni(AB2 or AB5) and Liion(Co) batteries might meet the need for EV by their relatively technology mature currentlyLiion(Mn) or Liion(MnNiCo) batteries might become a best choice for EV batteriesThe road vehicle system towards sustainability,the development of battery recycling technology should pay attention to protecting scarce metal resources and preventing from second environmental contamination
Battery Bimonthly