
高效率低功率抖动运转的Yb:Er共掺杂光纤激光器 被引量:1

High Efficiency and Small Power Fluctuation Yb:Er Codoped Fiber Lasers
摘要 通过理论计算分析了共掺 Yb杂后掺 Er光纤的有效泵浦率 ,证明了 Yb:Er共掺杂可以提高有效泵浦率。使用这种光纤 ,可以使抑制光纤激光器中离子对导致的自脉冲效应所需的泵浦功率水平大大降低。说明这种共掺杂光纤激光器不仅可以提高效率还可以稳定激光输出。 The effective pump rate for Er-doped fibers by Yb codoping was analyzed theoretically. We show that the level of the pump power required to suppress the ion-pair induced self-pulsing in Er-doped fiber lasers can be significantly decreased by using Yb:Er codoped fiber due to the increased effective pump rate. Our result show that the Er: Yb codoped fiber laser not only increases the lasers efficiency but also stabilizes the laser output.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期5-8,共4页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (699870 0 2 )
关键词 Yb:Er共掺杂 光纤激光器 自脉冲 有效泵浦率 Calculations Doping (additives) Erbium Stability
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