改变目前我国农地资源配置以计划为主 ,从而导致农地资源配置效率低下的状况 ,实现农地资源配置的市场化 ,对于我国农业和农村经济的发展不仅是十分必要与迫切的 ,而且也具备了一定的条件。实现农地资源配置市场化的对策是 :推行新型土地股份合作制、建立起完善的农地市场体系、加快城镇化建设和农村社会保障体系建设。
To change the inefficient collocation state of rural land that is led by planned economy and to realize the market-collocation not only are essential to the development of rural economy but already are supported by certain conditions currently.According to this state,the author puts forward some strategies:putting the new land stock-cooperative system in force ,forming perfect market system of rural land,expediting the step of urbanization and social security system,perfecting related laws and so on.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)