目的 :研究中药复方戒毒制剂冰茶栓对海洛因依赖猴戒断症状及基因表达的影响。方法 :猕猴经海络因皮下注射 72天建立依赖模型 ;并将海洛因依赖猴共 14只 ,分 4组 ,NS组 (3只 ) ,阳性对照组 (3只 ) ,高剂量组 (4只 ) ,低剂量组 (4只 )。在冰茶栓治疗组与未经冰茶栓治疗组及正常组 ,各取猴大脑纹状体组织 ,经RNA抽提纯化 ,采用Cy5、Cy3荧光标记 ,与受体相关基因芯片杂交筛选差异表达基因。结果 :海洛因依赖猴在自然戒断时 ,前脑啡肽原基因发生上调表达 ,而经冰茶栓治疗后 ,此基因表达下调 ,白细胞抗原SB(DP)基因表达上调。结论 :海洛因依赖猴经冰茶栓治疗后 ,戒断症状明显改善 ,并造成基因表达改变。提示 :冰茶栓减轻戒断症状与恢复脑啡肽水平及提高白细胞抗原、增强免疫功能有关。
Objective:To study he effect of Chinese TCM formula on inhibiting withdrawal syndrome of heroin addicted monkeys and on gene exprssion.Method:To constitute the model of heroin-addicted monkeys by subcutaneous injection of heroin for 72 days,then score according to the withdrawal symptoms;cut a piece of cerebrum tissuce of striatum to extract total RNA,then find different expression of genes throuh reverse transcript ,mark by cy5 or cy3,hybridization with receptor related genes.Result:human gene for preproenkephalin highly expressed while witharawal,but declined by treatment of BinChasihuan,at the same time,human HLA-SB(DP)alpha gene expression increased.Conclusin:Te withdrawal symptoms of heroin addicted monkeys were improved after treatment by BinChaShuan,the gene expression was also changed.Those showed the mechanism of BinChaShuan was relevant to recovering enkephalin level and improving body immunity.
Study Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine