通过对 3个不同水稻品种 (碧玉早糯、2 671 5和浙农 92 1 ) 5个供锌水平 (0 .0、0 .5、2 .0、8.0、32 .0μmol/L Zn SO4)处理的水培试验 ,研究供锌水平对水稻生长和锌积累的影响。结果表明 ,水稻地上部锌含量随供锌水平的提高而提高 ,不同的供试品种在不同的生育期地上部锌含量的变化趋势存在差别。不同的供试品种之间籽粒锌的积累差异极显著 ,精米中的锌含量随供锌水平的提高而提高 ;在 8.0、32 .0μmol/L Zn水平下 ,籽粒锌含量差异不大 ,颖壳锌含量则随供锌水平的提高而提高 ;在≤ 8.0μmol/L时 ,精米锌含量比颖壳高 ,而在高锌水平 (32 .0μmol/L)下 。
Rice plants of three genotypes (Biyuzaonuo, 26715 and Zhenong 921) were treated with five zinc (Zn) levels (0.0-32.0 μmol/L ZnSO 4) in solution culture to examine the effect of Zn supply on Zn content in grain and differential responses of rice plants to zinc supply. Results showed that supplied with 0.5 μmol/L Zn resulted in the largest root to shoot ratio, highest yield of biomass and rice grain regardless of genotype. Zinc partitioning into rice grain increased with the elevation of Zn supply. Zn content in grain was greatly different among various genotypes and was remarkably affected by Zn supply as well. Zn content in both grain hulls and milled rice increased with increasing solution of Zn supply. Zn content in milled rice was in the order of Biyuzaonuo> 26715> Zhenong 921, with maximum of 60, 45 and 35 mg/kg Zn at 32.0 μmol/L Zn applied, respectively. Zn partitioning between grain hull and milled rice varied with Zn supply, and it was also genotypically different in response to Zn supply. Zn content in milled rice was higher than that in grain hull at relatively lower Zn supply:≤2.0 μmol/L Zn for Zhenong 921, ≤8.0 μmol/L Zn for Biyuzaonuo and 26715. By contrast, at high Zn levels (32.0 μmol/L), more Zn was mainly partitioning into rice hull.
Chinese Journal of Rice Science
国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目 (3992 50 2 4 )