目的 :比较贲门失弛缓症的几种内镜下治疗方法。方法 :使用OlympusGIF130电子胃镜、CRE球囊扩张器、A型肉毒碱、1%乙氧硬化醇 ,将 2 1例患者随机分成三组 ,分别行球囊扩张术、肉毒碱注射治疗及硬化剂注射。结果 :硬化剂注射组每例平均注射 2 .6 7次 ,疗效明显差于球囊扩张组及肉毒碱注射组 ;但患者难以忍受球囊扩张所引起的剧烈疼痛 ,且危险性大。结论 :LES内注射A型肉毒碱操作简单 ,患者痛苦小 ,安全可靠 ,不良反应极少 ;治疗费用低 ,且疗效肯定 ,值得推广。
Objective: The techniques of balloon dilation, intrasphincteric injection of botulinum toxin (BTXA) and hardener used for achalasia was evaluated. Method: twenty-one patiens with achalasia were enrolled in 3 groups randomly, and each group were treated only by one of the 3 techniques. Results: The symptoms improved remarkably by the techniques of balloon dilation and intrasphincteric injection of BTAX. The effects of injection of hardener are not as good as the methods we have mentioned above. During balloon dilation, patients have to suffersevere pain with the risk of bleeding and pertbration. Conclusion:Perendoscopic intrasphincteric injection of BTXA is a simple and safe method with remarkable effectiveness for achalasia.
China Journal of Endoscopy