城市化进程中的农民市民化 ,是现代社会结构不可逆转的大趋势 ,将对中国整个社会经济发展和现代化建设产生不可估量的影响和作用。根据目前农民市民化的进展状况 ,要积极排除农民市民化的思想障碍、政策障碍、制度障碍、信息障碍 ,让进城农民在就业、权利保障、福利待遇、子女上学以及其他方面与市民享有平等待遇 ,必须尽快实行六统一的对策措施。
The peasant's citizenship in the urbanization is an irreversible tendency of modern social structures, and will have an immeasurable influence and function on China's entire social economic development and modernization constructions. According to the process of peasant's citizenship nowadays, those obstacles should be positively removed such as concepts, policies, systems, and information. In order to let the peasants entering the big cities share the equal treatment with the citizens on aspects of employment, rights security, welfare treatment, children's education and others, it should carry out the countermeasures with the six unities as quickly as possible.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute