目的 分析元江县 1996~ 2 0 0 0年的疟疾形势 ,为制定遏制疟疾计划方案提供参考依据。方法 用常规统计学方法进行分析和描述。结果 1996~ 2 0 0 0年全县共报告疟疾病例 40 85例 ,占全县传染病总数的 61.48% ,平均年发病率 43.83/万 ,比“八五”期间下降 36.94% ,而恶性疟病例却比“八五”期间上升了 2 14 .47% ( 667/ 311)。全县 15个乡镇农场中 ,发病率前 5位者依次为红光农场、甘庄农场、东峨乡、红桥农场和元江农场 ,共发病 15 80例 ,占总发病数的38.68%。结论 元江县的疟疾流行态势依然严峻 ,建议在 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 3年的遏制疟疾行动中继续采取分层防治措施 ,并在
Objective To analyze the malaria situation in Yuanjiang County and provide evidence for making effective and feasible control measures.Methods malaria prevalent situation and the control activities in Yuanjiang county in 1996~2000 were analyzed by using routine statistics.Results There were 4 085 malaria cases reported in this county from 1996~2000 accounted for 61.48% of the total communicable diseases in the whole county.In the period of 1996~2000 annual malaria incidence was 43.83 per ten thousand,a reduction of by 36.94% as compared with that of “the eighth Five Year Plan” period.Nevertheless falciparum malaria increased 214.47%(667/311) than that of “the eighth Five Year Plan” period.Of the 15 townships and farms five of them (in the order of from heaviest to heavier:Donge Townships,Dashuiping Township,Lijiang Township,Hongguang Farm and Ganzhuang Farm) were on the top of malaria infections with 2 597 cases and accounted for 63.57% of the total malaria cases.While the highest morbidity rates occurred in the five townships and farms,they were:Hongguang Farm,Gahzhuang Farm,Donge Township,Hongqiao Farm and Yuanjiang Farm with 1 580 cases accounted for 38.68% of the total infections.Conclusion Malaria situation is still serious in Yuanjiang County.Thus it is suggested that effective control measures be made by stratification of the endemic areas.
China Tropical Medicine