
高分辨率卫星影像上地物线性特征的自动识别 被引量:35

Automatic Recognition of Landscape Linear Features from High-Resolution Satellite Images
摘要 在高分辨率卫星影像上 ,地物的线性形状特征信息是丰富的 ,但同时 ,由于其过分细节化 ,再加上阴影、云层等干扰因素的影响 ,使得同一地物表现出不同的光谱亮度特征。这无疑给相关的地物线性特征的检测与提取带来了一定的复杂性。本文提出基于多重滤波的方法 ,并根据图像的纹理排列特征 ,通过设计使用一个高通滤波器和统计滤波器 ,来实现线性特征的自动检测与识别。其中高通滤波器的主要功能是突出地物的边界特征 ,统计滤波器则是消除高通滤波后的一些噪音 ,最后通过边缘检测与跟踪处理 ,得到描述地物线性特征的矢量图层。实验结果表明 ,这种方法显著提高了检测结果的精度 ,同时也表明了从高分辨率卫星影像上自动提取矢量信息图层的可行性 ,为高分辨率卫星影像的进一步应用提供了相应的技术基础。 The development of high-resolution sensors provided more methods for remote sensing mapping. High-resolution satellite imagery refers to those images of which spatial resolution is less than 10m. Information of linear features of landscape in high-resolution satellite images is very prolific. However, every part of a whole scene has different characters in spectrum space or gray space, because of immoderate specializations and influence of noise disturbances. This made it difficult to detect and recognize the linear features of landscape objects. The traditional single filtering method used to extract linear features of objects was confronted with some problems such as feature specializations. BRDF influences, geo-procedure scaling dependence etc. Method about extraction of structure information from high-resolution imagery is a key for application of this imagery. In this paper, we discussed a method based on image texture characters through designing filter cluster for the automatic detection and recognition. The filter cluster includes two filters, one is the high pass filter through which the borderline characteristics of the object in imagery can be detected, another is the statistical filter through which some noise made by high pass filter can be abated. In process of high pass filtering, how to select the size of filtering window is very important to precision. We had designed a proportion factor η to depict processing result. The test result indicated that the 7×7 filter window was the most appropriate in this research. After being transacted by the filter cluster, through selection of threshold on the test image which could control dividing pixels of background and objects, a vector layer that describing the linear features of object in landscape could be acquired through linear detection and tracking. A comparison of differences was finished between the results by traditional single filter and by multi-filter. The vector layer gained through multi-filtering has fewer noises than those only through si
作者 程承旗 马廷
出处 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期26-30,共5页 NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING BULLETIN
基金 国家 8 6 3重点项目支持 (项目编号G2 0 0 1AA136 0 30 ).
关键词 多重滤波 线性特征 高分辨率卫星影像 纹理 地物形状 结构信息 multi-filtering linear feature hihg-resolution satellite imagery
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