
缺失历史的艺术再现——解读美国少年历史小说《龙翼》 被引量:1

Artistic Representation of Lost History--Interpretation of Dragonwings from Historical Perspective
摘要 美国少年历史小说《龙翼》通过叙述视角、场景、人物塑造等艺术手段描写了以一对华人父子为主要人物的华人早期移民克服困难,最终实现飞行梦想的故事,从而忠实再现了20世纪初美国华人移民艰苦奋斗的经历,补写了一段美国历史中一度缺失的历史;同时也为华人移民后代了解先辈的历史,为美国这一多民族移民的国家处理各民族的关系提供了生动且真实的素材。 American young adult historical novel Dragonwings, through artistic devices such as viewpoint, setting and characterization, tells the story of how early Chinese immigrants- father and son- manage to overcome difficulties and finally realize their dream of flying a plane, thus faithfully representing and reflecting the hardworking experience of Chinese immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century. In this way, the author Laurence Yep reclaims a history once lost in the American historical scene and provides a vivid and realistic material for descendents of Chinese Americans to learn about the history of their forefathers and such a multiethnic immigrant nation as the U.S.A. to handle properly multiethnic relationship.
作者 张颖 李盛
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期82-88,共7页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
关键词 缺失历史 历史小说 劳伦斯·于 《龙翼》 艺术再现 lost history historical novel Laurence Yep Dragonwings artistic representation
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