借鉴西方有关劳动经济理论与劳动市场经验研究的新成果 ,强调指出了市场经济体制下就业制度安排的多样性 ,结合一个交易成本模型论证了劳动供给行为与就业制度模式选择的关系 ,进而重新审视了我们以往的就业体制改革思路 ,提出了重塑稳定性就业体制的新观点。旨在为我国就业制度的建构提出一种更优的选择 ,同时为今后更有效地实施人力开发进而加快经济发展模式转变寻找一种可行的微观机制。
Based on the recent results of the researches in labor economics and labor market experience in Europe, America, and Japan, this article discussed the diversity of the employment pattern under market economy system, and analyzed the effect of labor supply behavior on the choice of employment pattern with a simple model of transaction cost, emphasized that the 'J' pattern of employment system which was mainly prevalent in Japan maybe is the better sample for us to follow during the reform our employment system and hence the human capital development in the future.
Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)