经济结构调整是我国“十五”期间经济工作的一条主线。中小城市是我国整个城市化体系的基础 ,同时也是我国小农经济向现代工业经济发展的桥梁和纽带 ,中小城市要在现代社会和经济的发展大潮中发挥并保持其基础地位 ,就必须伴随宏观经济结构的新趋势进行相应的调整 ,以形成先进的生产力 ,推进跨越式发展。
In the Tenth-Five Years Period, the main part of China's economic efforts is to adjust its economic sturctures. Small and medium sized cities are the foundation of China's whole urbanization aystem. These cities are bridges and connections to bring the peasant economy to the modern industrial economy. Small and medium sized cities must keep in lines with the new tredns of macro economic sturctures, develop the advanced productivity and stride forward. Only through this way, small and medium sized cities can keep its foundation role in the modern society and bring its role into full play in the great waves of economic development.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics