安乐死不能理解为“无痛处死” ,它不是“无痛致死术” ,也不是“特殊的死亡方式”。安乐死是一种优化的死亡状态 ,应当具有四个特有属性 ,其本质不是授人以死 ,而是授死者以安乐。安乐死可以分为主动安乐死和被动安乐死。
Euthanasia can't be treated as making people die without pain.It isn't the way to die without pain eithor,or a particular way to die.It is a human way for people to die,having four special characters,with offering comfort to dying one as its nature.It can be divided as active one and passive one.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute