
Appropriate Listening Materials in Business English Teaching

Appropriate Listening Materials in Business English Teaching
摘要 Business English is a branch of ESP(English for specific Purpose),which determines its vocational and professional orient and its focus on learning for reality,work and professions,so applying real and authentic content in Business English teaching is suggested to be helpful both in theory and in practice.However,compared with other L2 skills teaching,to some points,listening input turns out to be problematic and uncertain in terms of utilization and selection of authentic listening materials currently.This article tries to present the problems and analyze to what extent these problems can be tackled by suggesting some appropriate listening materials. Business English is a branch of ESP(English for specific Purpose), which determines its vocational and professional ori-ent and its focus on learning for reality, work and professions, so applying real and authentic content in Business English teachingis suggested to be helpful both in theory and in practice. However, compared with other L2 skills teaching, to some points, listeninginput turns out to be problematic and uncertain in terms of utilization and selection of authentic listening materials currently. Thisarticle tries to present the problems and analyze to what extent these problems can be tackled by suggesting some appropriate lis-tening materials.
作者 李丹
出处 《海外英语》 2015年第8期23-25,共3页 Overseas English
基金 湖南省十二五规划课题"湖南省高职院校英语多维互动教学模式研究"的部分研究成果(课题编号为XJK014CZY050)
关键词 BUSINESS ENGLISH authentic LISTENING MATERIALS APPROPRIATE LISTENING TEACHING Business English authentic listening materials appropriate listening teaching
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