Mr. Five Willows is written by Tao Yuanming, an eminent proser and poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Mr. Five Willows is one of the most famous essays to express Tao's pursuit of countryside life.There are two important English versions of Mr. Five Willows: Sun Dayu's version and Fang Zhong's version.This paper compares the two English versions from the point of Reception Aesthetics.
Mr. Five Willows is written by Tao Yuanming, an eminent proser and poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Mr. Five Willows is one of the most famous essays to express Tao's pursuit of countryside life.There are two important English versions of Mr. Five Willows: Sun Dayu's version and Fang Zhong's version.This paper compares the two English versions from the point of Reception Aesthetics.
Overseas English