Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation:A life in a New Language is prominent in that it spares no effort elaborating on the author’s personal experience in acquiring her second language(L2)English from the view of sociolinguistics.In this vein,by in vestigating the underlined relationship between language learners’cultural identity and language identity from the perspective of sociolinguistics,the paper aims to explore the possibilities of assisting L2 learners reach a balance in their biological,cultural,so cial,and psychological domains of life.
Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation:A life in a New Language is prominent in that it spares no effort elaborating on the author’s personal experience in acquiring her second language (L2) English from the view of sociolinguistics. In this vein, by in-vestigating the underlined relationship between language learners’cultural identity and language identity from the perspective of sociolinguistics, the paper aims to explore the possibilities of assisting L2 learners reach a balance in their biological, cultural, so-cial, and psychological domains of life.
Overseas English