Since ancient times, as one of the symbols of ugly and dirty, prostitutes are invariably living in the black margins of society. Facing prostitutes'miseries, people always can not understand their emotions, mentalities and desires, or treats them as equals, particularly as women. Prostitutes are a special group in the oppressed women in Western societies. Margaret and Nana are two typical images of them in the history of western literature. With tears and lives, they deduce their miserable life stories similarly.
Since ancient times, as one of the symbols of ugly and dirty, prostitutes are invariably living in the black margins of soci?ety. Facing prostitutes’miseries, people always can not understand their emotions, mentalities and desires, or treats them as equals, particularly as women. Prostitutes are a special group in the oppressed women in Western societies. Margaret and Nana are two typical images of them in the history of western literature. With tears and lives, they deduce their miserable life stories similar?ly.
Overseas English