"Everyday Use" is well-known story written by Alice Walker, who is a very famous black female writer. This paper will focus on using the decontructionism strategy to dismantle the binary oppositions of the story. The binary oppositions are "Pretty VS. Ugly, Civilized VS. Unenlightened, Hang VS. Use and The Mainstream Culture VS. Non-mainstream Culture". By analyzing, the paper concludes that no culture can be defeated and each culture needs to be passed on. Different cultures should respect each other.
“Everyday Use” is well-known story written by Alice Walker,who is a very famous black female writer.This paper will focus on using the decontructionism strategy to dismantle the binary oppositions of the story.The binary oppositions are “Pretty VS.Ugly,Civilized VS.Unenlightened,Hang VS.Use and The Mainstream Culture VS.Non-mainstream Culture”.By analyzing,the paper concludes that no culture can be defeated and each culture needs to be passed on.Different cultures should respect each other.
Overseas English