GIS数据模型是制约GIS发展的关键因素之一,数据模型的好坏直接影响着GIS软件的表达能力,运行效率等。文中从面向对象的方法入手,利用三叉树高效的遍历速度,层次清晰的表达方法,及指针技术等,开发出了适合于完全关系数据库的、可以动态扩展的GIS TTDM数据模型。此数据模型弥补了现今GIS软件图形数据与属性数据分开存放,运行效率低的不足,便于GIS数据的统一管理,高效运行。
CIS data model is one of key elements restricting developme-nt of GIS and affects directly the expressive power and run-ning effect of the GIS software. Starting with the objectori-ented method, the paper develops the GIS TTDM data mod-el by using highly-effective ergodic speed and clear express-on method as well as pointer technique of the ternary tree, which is suitable for complete relation database and can be extended dynamically. The model remedies the deficiency of GJS graph data in storing separately with attribute data presently and low running efficiency, and facilitates unified management and effective running of GIS data.
Mine Surveying