
生态文明与民族边疆地区的跨越式发展 被引量:6

Ecological Civilization and Great Strides in the Border and Minority Areas Program Team,Propaganda Department of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee
摘要 马克思主义生态文明理论科学揭示了人与自然的关系及其对经济和社会发展的决定作用。马、恩对“统治”、“支配”自然的问题提出了最深刻见解 :“统治”自然的任务应是“控制”人的欲望的非理性和破坏性 ,不让人与自然的物质变换“作为盲目的力量”来统治人类本身 ;人对自然的“支配”只意味着人类对自身与自然关系的有意识的“控制” ,是以对自然的尊重、爱护为前提的利用。以江泽民同志为核心的党中央 ,坚持和发展了马克思主义的生态文明理论。民族边疆地区是中国现代化进程中的后发地区 ,处于农业文明与工业文明交替的不发达状态。建设生态文明 ,发挥后发优势 ,能够突破“先污染、后治理”的被动发展模式 ,实现农业文明与工业文明向生态文明的跨越式发展。民族边疆地区的生态环境既是全国经济和社会发展的生态屏障 ,又是该地区持续快速健康发展的物质保证 ,对这一地区脱贫致富、全面建设小康社会和实现现代化具有关键的意义。生态文明理念是先进文化的重要构成部分 ,其培育工作必须从基础抓起、从基层抓起。领导干部要从维护最广大人民的根本利益出发 ,牢固树立生态文明观念。努力发展作为先进生产力的生态产业 ,对实现民族边疆地区跨越式发展具有重大作用。 Marxist eco-civilization theory scientifically reveals the relationship between man and nature and the decisive role of ecological civilization in the development of economy and society. Marx and Engels gave the most profound exposition on the problem of 'controlling' and 'dominating' nature: 'controlling' nature means to 'control' man's irrational desires and destruction, and avoid the obtaining of materials from nature as an 'unchecked force' to control mankind; the 'domination' of nature by man only means to consciously 'control' the relationship between man and nature, and its utilization is based on the premise that nature must be protected and respected. CPC with Jiang Ze-ming as secretary general follows and develops Marxist eco-civilization theory. The border and minority areas lag behind in the process of modernization in China and are at the developing and transitional stage from an agricultural civilization to an industrial civilization. The building of ecological civilization through drawing lessons from others' experience will help us get rid of the passive model of 'pollution first and improvement second', and realize great strides towards an ecological civilization. The ecological environment in the border and minority areas is not only the ecological foundation of China's economic and social development but also the material guarantee for a quick and sustainable development in these areas. In other words, the ecological environment plays a crucial role in the poverty-eradication, the building of a fairly well-off society and the realization of modernization in these areas. The concept of ecological civilization is an important element of advanced culture and its instillation should start from scratch or from the grass-roots institutions. Leaders should guarantee the people's fundamental interests and always bear in mind the concept of ecological civilization. The development of ecological industry, an advanced productive force, will have far-reaching influence on the great strides towards moderniz
出处 《云南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2002年第6期5-12,共8页 Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)
关键词 生态文明 民族边疆地区 跨越式发展 生态产业 经济发展 生态建设 ecological civilization border and minority areas great strides
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