科索沃战争是美国“新干涉主义”论的一次重要实践,并暴露出美“新干涉主义”的以下几个特征:(1)以“为价值观而战”为幌子,掩盖其侵略本质。(2) 以军事打击为主要手段。(3)联合军事同盟国,共同采取行动。(4)无视国际行为准则。
despiteits briefness,tells us whatis new forthe modern inter ventionism as compared with the old imperialism . .His main pointsofview are asfollows:The America○s new interventionism is more deceitfulunderthe pretence of“fightingforthe values”;the new interventionism ,supported by military means,is more aggressive;itismorethreatening while using military alliances asitstools;anditis more unbridled because theUnited States can wantonly establish rules for “international actions”whenever if necessary. Thesecond article,THEIMPACTOFTHEKOSOVOWAR ONEUROPE_U.S.RELATIONS, isa contribution from Su Huimin,Senior Researcher of the China Institute for International Studiesand Guest Researcherof CPDS.Su holdsthatthe goalthe United Statesisgoingtoreachinthe Balkansisnotfullyidentified withthatthe Europeans wantto.No matter how high a pro filetheyshowedinthe war against Yugoslavia and how eagerforsome ofthem to play “leadingroles”,the European powersarerealisticin assessingtheirownstrength andtheir politicalinflu ence which actually don○tsupport them to act as first_class world powers.They are more con cerned forthesurroundingsituation and arereluctantto hand over European affairssubmissivelytothe Americans.Su saysthatthere still exists contradiction of control vs counter__controlin Europe_U.S.relations,thattherole of Russia○sfactorshould notbe underestimated while deal ing with Europe_U.S.relations,because most European countries recognize thatthey are notableto downgrade Russiaforeverto asecondarystate and becausethe continuousfallof Russia would bring hugelossesnotonlyto Russiaitselfbutto Europeas well.So,to Europe,theafter math ofthe Kosovo War warrantscarefulconsideration.
Peace and Development