
2017年平顶山市手足口病病原学监测结果分析 被引量:1

Analysis on etiological characteristics of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Pingdingshan city, 2017
摘要 目的分析2017年平顶山市手足口病的病原学特征,为平顶山市手足口病的预防控制工作提供病原学依据。方法选取2017年平顶山市手足口病病例作为研究对象,采集手足口病患者的粪便或肛拭子标本,进行总肠道病毒、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(Coxsackie virus group A type 16, Cox Al6)和肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus type 71, EV71)病原学检测,并利用描述流行病学方法对检测结果进行分析。结果在所采集的320例手足口病病例标本中,肠道病毒阳性226份,总检出率为70.63%;其中Cox Al6、EV 71、EV 71+Cox Al6和其它肠道病毒等4种(类)病毒的检出数分别为42份、82份、1份和101份,分别占肠道病毒阳性总数的18.58%(42/226)、36.28%(82/226)、0.44%(1/226)和44.69%(101/226)。患者以3岁以下儿童为主,男性多于女性,以散居儿童为主。结论应持续加强当地儿童手足口病的病原学监测,并建议进行其他肠道病毒的分型检测,动态掌握手足口病病原学变化规律,为手足口病防治提供明确的病原学依据。 Objective To explore the etiological characteristics of hand,foot,and mouth disease(HFMD)in Pingdingshan city in 2017,and to provide etiological evidences for the prevention and control of HFMD.Methods To collect faeces or anal swabs from patients with HFMD in Pingdingshan city in 2017.Total enterovirus,Coxsackie virus group A type 16(Cox Al6)and Enterovirus type 71(EV71)were assayed for all specimen.A descriptive analysis on etiology was conducted.Results Among a total of 320 specimen,the overall positive rate of enterovirus was 70.63%(226/320).The proportions of Cox Al6,EV 71,EV 71&Cox Al6,and other enteroviruses were 18.58%(42/226),36.28%(82/226),0.44%(1/226)and 44.69%(101/226),respectively.The dominant patients were children who were under 3 years old,male,and scattered.Conclusions It is neccessary to continue the etiological surveillance and add the typing test of other enteroviruses,which to investigate the dynamic variation of etiology and to supply definite etiological evidences.
作者 李琼 李蓬 王慧晶 郭晏强 李爱军 LI Qiong;LI Peng;WANG Huijing;GUO Yanqiang;LI Aijun(Pingdingshan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Pingdingshan Henan 467000,China)
出处 《河南预防医学杂志》 2019年第5期400-403,共4页 Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 手足口病 肠道病毒71型 柯萨奇病毒A组16型 实时荧光PCR Hand,foot,and mouth disease Coxsackie virus group A type 16 Enterovirus type 71 Real-time polymerase chain reaction
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