

The Images of Dionysus in Ezra Pound’s Poetic Creations
摘要 庞德笔下的酒神形象不是单一的,而是复义的、复杂的。这种复杂性与庞德不同时期的人生经历有关,也与他的思想情感、精神追求,以及他对世界的看法有关。在他的创作中,酒神有时是反叛者形象,有时又是保护神和拯救者形象。他既是象征旺盛的生产力和生命力的繁殖神,又是象征死而复生的自然之神。作为反叛者,酒神所体现的反叛精神不仅反映了庞德在诗歌创作上锐意创新的决心,而且反映了他对个体生命意志和自由的追求;作为保护神和拯救者,庞德笔下的酒神不仅是个体生命的捍卫者和守护神,而且是人类灵魂的拯救者,其角色类似耶稣基督;而作为生产力和生命力的象征,酒神存在的意义在于他能给荒芜的西方世界注入活力和生命,庞德这一联想与他的阳性崇拜或男性中心主义思想息息相关。庞德笔下的酒神形象有时是矛盾的,这与他一贯坚持的异教思想相冲突。 The image of Dionysus in Ezra Pound’s literary creation is not single,but complex.This complexity is closely related to Pound’s life experiences at different times,his thoughts and feelings,his views on the world,and his spiritual pursuit as well.In his creations,Dionysus is a protector and savior as well as a rebel.He is not only a god of fertility with great productivity and vitality,but also a god of nature who symbolizes the resurrection of life.As a rebel,the rebel spirit reflected by Dionysus not only shows Pound’s determination in the innovation of poetry,but also reflects his pursuit of the will and freedom of individual life.As a protector and savior,the Dionysus in Pound’s writing is not only a defender and guardian of individual life,but also a savior of the human soul,whose role is like savior Jesus Christ.As a symbol of productivity and vitality,the meaning of Dionysus is that he can inject vitality and life into the wasteland of the West.Such an association of Pound’s is closely related to his masculine worship or phallocentrism.The images of Dionysus in Pound’s writing are sometimes contradictory.They are in conflict with his distinctive pagan thoughts.
作者 胡平 HU Ping(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201600,China)
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期96-102,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目“伊兹拉·庞德诗歌创作与神话研究”(17BWW065)阶段性成果
关键词 酒神 反叛者 保护神 拯救者 繁殖力 再生 Dionysus rebel patron god savior productivity re-born
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