
政府购买公共服务的“公共性拆解”风险——以新公共管理为解释框架 被引量:6

The Risk of “Public Dismantling” of the Government Purchase of Public Services under the Framework of New Public Management
摘要 与新公共管理浪潮几乎同时兴起的政府购买公共服务,近十年来已成为中国一项基本政策工具和提供公共服务产品的主要输出方式。除了"可及性"和"均等化",公共服务产品愈发强调通过"公共绩效"来彰显其公共性,这使得寻求一种供给逻辑上的超越以促成"突出服务性、彰显公共性"的产品消费体验成为亟待被突破的现实需求。在意识到公共服务产品的"公共性"极易被市场运作的趋利性悄然消解而遭遇拆解危机之时,新公共管理理论历经30多年的市场尝试使其恰恰能够为政府购买公共服务研究提供更具风险预警性的前瞻性思考。因此,本文提出"社会领域再融合"的概念,试图在现阶段中国公私领域之间"跨领域协作经营"的公共服务体制转型过程中型塑一种"制度效率叠加—风险规避支出"的"零和机制";同时提出,将"类别化了"的公共服务产品作为管理对象,追求一种"产品性质与供给端匹配度"的精准管理,以"公共性扩散"作为"委托制"场域中管理者与被管理者广泛合作的价值基础,才更有可能对因"增长中的供应方"而带来的"责任空心化"风险做到防患于未然,规避公共管理的危机。 With concomitant to the rise of the new public management wave,the government’s purchase of public services has become China’s basic policy tool and the main output method for providing public service products in the past decade. In addition to 'accessibility'and 'equalization',public service products increasingly emphasize the publicity through 'public performance',which makes it possible to seek a logical transcendence to promote'prominent service and publicity'. The product consumption experience has become a real need to be overcome. While realizing that the'public nature'of public service products is easily susceptible to the dismantling crisis of market operations,the new public management theory has made it possible to be the theoretical framework for the government to purchase public goods after more than 30 years of market attempts,so as to provide forward-looking thinking that is more risk-aware. Therefore,this paper puts forward the concept of'reintegration of the social fields'and tries to shape a 'zero-sum mechanism'within the 'institutional efficiency increase-risk aversion'in the transition process of the public service system of 'cross-sector collaborative management'between the public and private sectors in China. At the same time,it proposes the use of'categorized'public service products as the management objects,pursuing a precise management of'product nature and supply-side matching',and taking the 'publicity proliferation'as the value base of the 'consignment system'so that the managers and managers could reach extensive cooperation. In so doing,the'hollowing out of responsibility'risk brought about by'suppliers’ growth'as well as the public management crisis are more likely to be prevented.
作者 陈伟 黄洪 CHEN Wei;Wong Hung(Department of Sociology,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Najing 210094,China;The Chinese University of Hongkong,Hongkong 999077,China)
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期187-194,共8页 Hebei Academic Journal
基金 2015年度国家社会科学基金项目青年项目<我国城市社区治理的"绩效"-"风险"双轴效应研究>(15CSH071) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(AE89991/078)
关键词 新公共管理 公共性 社会领域再融合 跨领域协作经营 精准管理 new public management publicity reintegration of the social fields cross-sector collaborative management
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