针对高校课外体育俱乐部文化的内涵、特征及构建 ,从文化学、教育学等视角对其分析 ,认为高校课外体育俱乐部文化的实质是在高校这一特定环境中的学生和老师 ,依据一定的体育行为规范在大学课外体育俱乐部这一特定的空间内创造出的物质和精神的财富总和。课外体育俱乐部的物质文化、制度文化和精神文化是构成高校课外体育俱乐部文化的三要素 ,并且显现出自身特有的多元动态性、教育实践性、教育延续性、兴趣性等重要特征。
The culture of extracurricular sports club includes three elements: the material culture, the regulation culture and the spiritual culture. Moreover, it shows some essential characters of plurality, dynamic, practice and continuity of PE, etc. From the angels of cult urology and pedagogy, the paper deals with the connotation, characters and the construction of extracurricular sports clubs in colleges.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education