通过对潜在课程这一概念的认识 ,分析了它在学校课程建设中的重大作用与意义。指出校园的潜在课程对学生的情、意等非理性因素的发展起重要作用 ,对学校形成良好的学风、校风 ,学生树立正确的人生观、价值观起举足轻重的影响 ,具有独特的育人功能。根据这一理论 ,结合我院校园文化建设的现状 ,对我院潜在课程建设的问题提出了几点思考与建议。
By knowing the concept of it, this paper analyzes the role and meaning of the hidden curriculum in the construction of school curricular. It points out that the hidden curriculum has great effect on the sensible elements, such as, emotion and will etc. The hidden curriculum helps our institute to form a good style of study and school spirit, and our students to build up the proper philosophy of life and values. That is to say, it has a special function of education. So according to the actual state of the school culture, this paper gives some suggestion to solve the problems in the hidden curriculum in our institute.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education