针对使用手机拍摄照片容易出现曝光问题,设计开发了一套基于相同场景图像曝光修复手机应用。对于通过在相同场景下不同视角拍摄得到曝光不均匀和明暗对比较明显的一组照片,用户分别对明暗差距明显的图像和曝光不均的图像选择初始区域,使用Grab Cut算法提取图像中感兴趣区域,并对曝光不均匀区域进行曝光补偿。实验结果表明,对于对比度较高的图像,提取感兴趣区域非常理想,使得曝光问题的区域修复也较为理想。
Exposure problem is an important issue for mobile phone camera. To address this problem, we design and developed a mobile application to repair the image with exposure problem, which utlizes other images with the same scene. design based on the same scene image exposure repairing mobile applications. For a pair of images, one is exposure problem image, and the other is a distinct contrast image, user first selects regions of interest with a rectangle, respectively. Then the proposed application uses Grab Cut to extract the regions of interest of the two images, and repair the exposure problem image with the better one. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the extracted region of interest is very high for higher contrast image, and the exposure problem image has been ideally repaired.
Information & Communications