目的 :观察关节腔内注射透明质酸钠 (Hyaluronicacid ,HA)治疗膝关节病的临床疗效。方法 :2年中通过膝关节腔穿刺注射HA治疗膝骨性关节炎、骨性关节炎伴关节积液、髌骨软化症、创伤性关节炎 4 4例患者 (5 0个膝 )。结果 :经 4 4例各种骨关节病的临床疗效的近期观察 ,HA无毒副作用 ,用药安全 ,优良率70 % ,总有效率 90 %以上。结论 :补充外源性HA可营养关节软骨 ,防治病理状态下骨基质的进一步破坏 ,发挥其润滑 ,保护性屏障作用 ,抑制炎性反应 ,消退肿胀 ,扩大关节活动 ,减轻疼痛 。
Objective:To evaluate the clinical value of Hyaluronic acid injection to knee joint for treatment of gonar throsis..Methods:44 cases of keen osteoarthritis were injecfed to knee joint with HA.Results:It showed that therapy with HA had a good effective rate(70%).The total effective rate were 90%.It is safe and has no side effect.Conclusion:The supplement of the HA by injectiontof knee joint has a stronger effective to make nutrition of articular cartilage and extranevas sodium Hyaluronate,when injected intra-articulary,can coat and protect the damaged cartilage,suppress inflammation and it has the effects of improving the function of synovial fluids,alleviating the clinical signs of osteoarthritis,preventing the cartilage from further deteriorating,suppressing pain and improving joint morbility.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal