利用落塔微重力实验装置和OH平面激光诱导荧光(OH—PLIF)方法,在正常重力和微重力环境下观测了一系列具有皱折锋面的甲烷 空气预混V形火焰,以研究浮力对火焰的影响。借助于高速CCD摄像装置,在实验中记录了每一个火焰在正常重力和微重力下的大量火焰锋面瞬态图像。根据皱折锋面预混火焰的特点和现有的理论,作者开发了图像处理方法用于处理实验结果,利用统计计算得出火焰结构,从而评价浮力的影响。研究表明,浮力一方面影响火焰所在流场的平均流动,另一方面也影响湍流火焰的传播,浮力对火焰的影响在一定程度上呈现出与来流湍流度和层流火焰传播速度的相关性。
In drop tower experiments, a series of methane-air premixed V-flames of wrinkled flame fronts were observed in both normal gravity and microgravity conditions by the use of OH-PLIF (Planer laser induced fluorescence for OH- radicals) to study the buoyancy influence. For each flame, a high-speed intensified CCD camera recorded a large number of OH-PLIF images of the instantaneous flame fronts in both normal gravity and microgravity conditions. To evaluate the buoyancy influence, a computer code series for image processing was developed and the structure of each flame was extracted from the OH-PLIF images by performing statistical calculation. The result shows that buoyancy influences on one hand the mean flow field of the flames, on the other hand the propagation of the wrinkled flame fronts. It was also found that to a certain extent, the buoyancy influence correlates to the turbulence intensity and the laminar flame speed of the pre-mixture.
Journal of Combustion Science and Technology