目的 对肺鳞状上皮细胞癌(肺鳞癌)用纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)和X线胸片检查结果进行比较,并作临床分析。方法 于1989年7月至1999年11月对30例肺鳞患者进行纤支镜检查,将结果与胸片所见进行比较分析。结果 肺鳞癌占肺癌40%,与吸烟密切相关,男性多于女性,50岁~65岁高发,中央型多见,易形成空洞,右上肺多见。结论 纤支镜检查是目前肺鳞癌主要诊断方法,必要时需复查,阳性率可达86.7%。X线胸片对肺鳞癌诊断也提供了很有价值的资料。
Objective To compare the results of examination of pulmonary squamous cell cancinoma by fibrobronchoscopy and x-ray film of chest. Methods Results of 30 cases of pulmonary squamous cell carcinoma examined by fibrobronchoscopy and X - ray were analysed retrospectively . Results Among 75 cases of pulmonary cancer diagnosed, 30 cases (40%) were squamous cell carcinoma, and closely related with smoking. Male cases were more than females, the reak age of incidence was 50 - 65 years old. Central type, located at right upper lung and cavity formation were common. Conclusion Fibrobronchoscopy is the the main diagnostic means for squamous cell carcinoma of lung. Repeated examination is need if necessary, the positive rate may reach 86.7% . X-ray film of chest may afford valuable data for diagnosis.