Based on the basal nature of basi n, stratigraphic sequence and texture, sed imentary compose feature, nature of basin a nd so forth differences, divided Jurassic c oal basins of North-western China region in to 9 types.Through systematic research on v olcanic rocks of Jurassic system,evisite o f early Yenshan stage,Stretch structure an d rotation structure in Jurassic basin,and ancient geothermal gradient of Jurassic Pe riod,the structural nature of early-middle Jurassic coal basin of north-western China region was discussed, and considered clear ly that North-western China region during e arly-middle Jurassic Epoch located on the s tructural background of crust stretch. Ear ly-middle Jurassic basin in the region of I nner Mongolia, Gansu and Qinghai located in the east of Minfeng-cherchen river fractur e, mainly belongs to the type of dustpan lik e faulting basin on the background of stret ch structure, and the Jurassic basin in the Northern Xinjiang region belongs to the bas in similar to Kraton and mainly depression. Finally, the paper has discussed the formi ng regional structural background of Juras sic basin in North-western China region, an d considered there are close relation with Tethys ocean in Western China during Jurass ic Period.
Coal Geology of China
structural nature
structural t ype
coal basin
Jurassic Period
North-we stern China region