
骨转移瘤的放疗镇痛疗效分析 被引量:2

摘要 目的 :探讨不同分割剂量放疗对骨转移瘤的镇痛疗效。方法 :对 10 0例骨转移瘤患者2 38个病灶采用不同分割剂量放疗 ,2 Gy组 10 4个 ,3Gy组 98个 ,5 Gy组 36个。结果 :2 Gy组 :CR率76 .9% ,PR率 13.4 % ,总有效率 90 .4 % ,3Gy组 :CR率 71.4 % ,PR率 17.4 % ,总有效率 88.8% ,5 Gy组 :CR率 6 9.4 % ,PR率 16 .7% ,总有效率 86 .1% ,χ2 =0 .714 ,P>0 .0 5 ,组间无显著性差异。结论 :不同分割剂量放疗对骨转移瘤镇痛疗效无明显差异 ,2 Gy组 CR率可能提高。 Objective:To evaluate the analgesic effect in different ways of fraction dose radiotherapy in bone metastatic neoplasm.Methods:100 patients of bone metastatic neoplasm with 238 focus of infections were treated with different fraction dose radiotherapy:104 patients in 2 Gy fraction group;98 patients in 3 Gy fraction group;36 patients in 5 Gy fraction group.Results:In 2 Gy fraction group,the complete response rate (CR) is 76.9 % and the partial response rate (PR) is 13.4 %.The total response rate (CR+PR) is 90.4 %;In 3 Gy fraction group,CR is 71.4 %,PR is 17.4 % , CR+PR is 88.88 % . In 5 Gy fraction group , CR is 69.4 % , PR is 16.7 % , CR+PR is 86.1 % . χ 2=0.714, P >0.05.There is no obvious difference.Conclusion:There is no obvious difference among different ways of fraction dose radiotherapy in patients with bone metastatic neoplasm.2 Gy fraction group showed high CR.
出处 《肿瘤研究与临床》 CAS 2002年第6期380-381,共2页 Cancer Research and Clinic
关键词 骨转移瘤 镇痛 疗效分析 放射疗法 Bone metastasis neoplasm/radiotherapy Analgesic
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