目的 评价电视脑电图 (Video EEG)监测在癫痫及其他发作性疾病临床诊断中的应用价值。方法 对 2 1 6例具有各种发作性症状的患者进行连续 2 4h的包括清醒、睡眠及诱发试验的Video EEG监测。结果 2 1 6例患者中 1 30例 (60 2 % )监测到临床发作 ,其中 53例伴有发作期痫样放电 ,证实为癫痫性发作 ;73例发作期及发作间期均无痫样放电 ,为非癫痫性发作。 2 1 6例患者中共 80例监测到了痫样放电 ,其中 64例通过发作期的脑电 临床表现和 (或 )发作间期的EEG特征 ,结合有关病史资料确定了癫痫的发作类型 ,2 7例监测后发作分类得到了修正。结论 Video EEG可提高痫样放电的检出率 ,有助于癫痫发作与非癫痫发作的鉴别及癫痫的分型。
Objective A retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the clinical significance of Video EEG monitoring in the diagnosis of epilepsy and other paroxysmal events Methods Video EEG monitoring under the state of awaking and sleeping and evoked tests were performed continuously in 216 patients with epilepsy and other paroxysmal events Results The characteristic events were captured in 130(60%) of the 216 patients And out of the 130 patients, 53 had clinical events accompanying epileptiform discharge 73 patients had no epileptiform discharge in both ictal and interictal period Seizure types were defined in 80%of 80 patients with epileptiform discharge, and classification was different from the original 42% of the 64 patients Conclusions Video EEG can record much more epileptiform discharge than routine EEG It should be an effective method in both diagnosis and classification of epilepsy
Chinese Journal of Neurology
教育部高校骨干教师资助基金 ( 2 0 0 0 6 5)
卫生部临床重点建设项目 ( 96 0 0 58)
湖南省卫生厅基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 31)