现行民爆器材中普遍使用的雷管是有起爆药雷管 ,K· K无起爆药雷管是在现有雷管基础上的一次创新。该文介绍了 K· K无起爆药雷管的结构与传爆过程 ,测试了其点火延迟时间、侧向与轴向爆炸后能量输出情况 ,提出了作导爆管雷管使用时必须注意的一些问题。结果表明 ,与有起爆药雷管相比 ,无起爆药雷管轴向输出能量没有明显变化 ,侧向输出能量明显减少。 K· K无起爆药雷管输出能量正向强于反向 。
Detonators that are now generally being used in industrial explosive materials contain priming explosive.K·K non priming explosive detonator is an innovation based on existing detonators.This paper introduces structure and detonation propagating of K·K non priming explosive detonator.The initiation delay time,axial and side exported energy were tested,which should be paid attention during the use of nonel tube detonator.As a result,non priming detonator exports a similar axial energy and a much less side energy.The energy exported forward is bigger than opposite.When using non priming explosive nonel tube detonator it should be bundled up and connected forward only. [
Explosive Materials