目的 研究交感型颈椎病的病理因素及治疗方法。方法 回顾分析了 1988~ 2 0 0 0年收治的 2 0例手术治疗的交感型颈椎病患者。根据术前及术后颈椎伸屈侧位X光片判断有无颈椎不稳。 结果 2 0例患者术前均有颈椎不稳 ,颈椎不稳主要发生在C3 C4 和C4 C5,颈椎高位硬膜外封闭对大部分患者有短期效果。每例患者均于不稳节段行颈前路融合术 ,手术有效率为 90 %。 结论 颈椎不稳是导致交感型颈椎病发病的重要因素 ;颈椎高位硬膜外封闭可有短期疗效因此具有重要的诊断价值 ;颈椎前路植骨融合术是治疗交感型颈椎病的有效方法。
Objective To investigate the etiology and treatment of sympathetic cervical spondylosis (SCS). Methods Twenty patients who with SCS had undergone operations for sympathetic cervical spondylosis were reviewed retrospectively from 1988 to 2000 Lateral views in flexion and extension of pre- and postoperative cervical X-ray were analyzed to quantify cervical instability Results Cervical instability was detected at one level in seven patients, two levels in ten patients, three levels in three Cervical instability mainly occurred at C 3-C 4 and C 4-C 5 Cervical epidural block had a short time effect in the greater part of patients Cervical discectomy and fusion at unstable segement was carried out in all 20 cases The effective rate was 90% Conclusions Cervical instability at C 3-C 4 or C 4-C 5 maybe an importmant factor in the etiology of sympathetic cervical spondylosis Cervical epidural block may provide diagnostic information Anterior cervical fusion were effective to treat sympathetic cervical spondylosis.
Chinese Journal of Surgery